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Omer Stringer Style Hand-crafted Canoe Paddles

As a tribute to a great friend and mentor, Carrying Place Canoe Works has produced a paddle to honour the memory of the late Omer Stringer, Canada's premier solo paddler, guide and canoe builder.

Using a paddle designed by Omer, we have reproduced it in the same method he did. The paddle is hand-carved with the exact dimensions, shape, blade flex and attention to detail. It is made in seasoned black cherry.

Omer Stringer and Joe Ziemba - master canoe builders
These paddles are the finest ever made, with just the right flex, shaft thickness and blade shape allowing the paddler to use it all day, without fatigue. It is also excellent for solo paddling.

How our Paddles
are made

$99.95 CAD
Plus Shipping and Handling

Omer Stringer Hand-crafted Paddles


Our women's paddles feature slightly smaller top Omer Stringer' style grip and slightly narrower shaft to accommodate smaller hands for less fatigue.

Children's paddles


Our children paddles are hand crafted using 1 piece of seasoned black cherry. The design includes a slimmer shaft, the sculpted Omer Stringer' grip is made for a child's hand size with a blade to correspond. The grip and blade is of the same quality as our adult model.

The paddle is of the highest quality that will last until it is outgrown and then can be cherished as a family heirloom until the next generation comes along.

The price is $69.00 - A great gift anytime of the year.

3 types of paddles available in the Omer Stringer style: women, children, or men.


  1. Pick up a paddle as if you are about to go paddling.
  2. Let go of the top grip and let the paddle down with your shaft hand still gripping the shaft in its' paddling position.
  3. Keep the paddle parallel to your body. Allow your arm to reach full extension. The top of the paddle should reach between your chin and your nose.
  4. If you do not have a paddle, measure the distance from your thumb joint to your mouth. This will be the length of the shaft. All blades are the same size.


How To Measure
For A Paddle

How An
Omer Stringer
Carrying Place Paddle
Is Made

Omer Stringer Story

Building the Carrying Place Cedar Canvas Canoe

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Cedar Strip and  Cedar Canvas Canoes
Canoe & Boat Works Limited

11611 Highway 27, Kleinburg, Ontario, L0J 1C0
Telephone: (905) 893-1350    Fax: (905) 893-3168
